Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Car Raid


Thursday, April 28, 2016

HDR Photography Intro

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?

You would need to change the exposure and the shutter speed multiple times.

2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?

A tripod.

 3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?

To take a very high quality picture that really emphasizes the lights and colors in the picture.

4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?

The colors in the photo will be a lot brighter, and there would be a lot more colors in the photo that a camera would not be able to catch by itself normally.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


<script id="infogram_0_most-common-birth----months-in-2010" title="MOST COMMON BIRTH        MONTHS IN 2010" src="//e.infogr.am/js/embed.js?vy6" type="text/javascript"></script><div style="padding:8px 0;font-family:Arial!important;font-size:13px!important;line-height:15px!important;text-align:center;border-top:1px solid #dadada;margin:0 30px"><a target="_blank" href="https://infogr.am/most-common-birth----months-in-2010" style="color:#989898!important;text-decoration:none!important;">MOST COMMON BIRTH        MONTHS IN 2010</a><br><a style="color:#989898!important;text-decoration:none!important;" href="https://infogr.am" target="_blank">Create your own infographics</a></div>

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

a. Alyssa Schukar
b. Stories, human life
c. Judges didn't think that the photographer got up close and personal with the subjects, or they thought that the pictures were too dark in mood, or they just thought the pictures were boring.
d. They liked the action in the shots and the backgrounds and lighting.
e. I liked the photographer's photos but none of them really stuck out to me, they all seemed pretty boring and and not unique.

a. Jordan Murph
b. Mostly sports
c. Judges didn't like that some of the pictures didn't really tell a story, and some kind of just confused the viewer. They also didn't like how some of them were obviously posed.
d. They really liked the photographer's use of color and composition through the whole thing.
e. I liked a lot of the photos! The colors were all pretty cool and the composition was interesting in all of the photos.

a. Melissa Golden
b. Stories
c. Judges thought that most of the pictures were pretty boring and didn't really look at them for more than a second because they just didn't catch the eye. They didn't like how some of the pictures were out of focus or blurry, or how some of the photos had elements that they didn't think were very necessary.
d. The judges liked a lot of the portraits because they got up close, and even though they told common stories they still thought they had a lot of meaning.
e. Some of the photos were interesting, some were not. Like the judges I thought that the portraits were really interesting.

a. The judges thought that all of the composition and ideas in the photos were very unique and interesting, and they liked how the photographer got very close to the action.
b. Personally, I thought that the way that the photographer got close to the action was a strength, and like the judges, I thought that over-photoshopping was a weakness.

3. The judges basically pick their favorite portfolios and pay most attention to what they thought what was the worst photos in the portfolios were, and judged them from there. They also payed close attention to how the photographers edited their pictures.

- Part 2 -

1. One photo that I agreed with the judges on was the photo in "No Pro/No College" of the tennis player in red with their hands up dropping the racket. I agreed when they said that even though the photo didn't have the player's face, the photo was still amazing and very unique.
2. One photo I didn't agree with the judges with was the photo of the people breaking through the USGA barrier and looking through the holes. The judges thought it was boring, and could've been better if it had been cropped differently, but I thought that the picture was fine and interesting as it was, and I liked the colors and lines of the photo.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

Strong National Museum of Play:

1. CJS Architects
2. 2006
3. Rochester, New York
4. You can visit it
5. No
6. The building was created to house toy collections, but then became a museum.
7. I chose this building mostly because it looks super cool and creative. I've never really seen a building look like this before and I also really like the colors!!

Nautilus House

1. Javier Senosiain
2. 2006
3. Near Mexico City
4. You can visit it
5. $218,000
6. The only reason why it was built is so the architect could make a building that looked like a shell.
7. I really love everything about this house. I love the shape and the super unique idea, and the stained glass is really cool, and must look even cooler on the inside of the house. The inside of the house has really cool steps that also look like shells too!!


1. Andre Waterkeyn and Jean Polak
2. 1958
3. Brussels, Belgium
4. You can visit it
5. $93,513
6. Built for the 1958 Brussels World Fair
7. I chose the building again because it was an interesting shape, and it also kind of reminded me of a ferris wheel. I also did more research and found out that it takes over $10,000 to clean it every 6 months or so, which was interesting.

Eden Project

1. Nicholas Grimshaw
2. 2003
3. Cornwall, England
4. You can visit it
5. 140 million pounds
6. Built to house plants and become a tourist attraction.
7. I chose this building because I actually visited it when I was about seven. I liked it a lot back then because from the outside I thought the domes looked like bubble wrap, and I loved flowers and plants and stuff back then so the inside was really interesting. There was also a giant sculpture of a bee which I thought was the coolest thing when I was seven.

UFO Houses

1. Yu-chou Co
2. 1978
3. New Taipei City, Taiwan
4. They were all demolished in 2010, but you could visit before then.
5. $24 million
6. Built to become a hotel, construction never finished.
7. I chose these buildings because I love abandoned buildings so the appearance interested me. As I did more research I learned that as they were building the houses there were multiple suicides, car accidents, and murders on the construction site. People said they were caused because at the beginning of construction they had to demolish a statue of a Chinese dragon and the construction site was now cursed, and other people said that many Dutch soldiers were buried in the area.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Action Shoot

Making a beeline towards the camera, freshman Emanuel Wences runs across the pavement, one minute before the bell. Wences was running to his portable so he wouldn't be late to class.

Coming up towards the finish line, freshman Emanuel Wences becomes the first person to complete the race. Wences has been on the track team for a year, and has gotten first place in every race he has competed in.

Nearing 85 miles per hour, Emanuel Wences becomes the fast human alive. Wences was able to break the sound barrier and many people with poor vision could barely see Wences pass them.

Emanuel Wences runs to the studio to prepare to drop his new mixtape. This photo also became the album art for the mixtape, titled 'Running in PhotoJ'.

Sensory Overload

"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.

What do you think about this statement?

I agree with the statement, but I don't agree with how he thinks that we are increasing this mentality through the years. I believe although consumerist culture is becoming more relevant now, this mentality has always existed.

As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography?

I've always loved minimalist photography but this series made me think more about using more colors and I thought it was a cool idea to have a lot of objects to act as a background.

2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera?


3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place?

I think it would be a cool place to grow up, but they would probably have to deal with the economy which would be kind of weird for a kid?

4. Describe your favorite photo to me.

My favorite photo was the 2nd photo with all the fake flowers. I think I like this photo because I really love flowers and all the pinks and bright colors kind of melt together.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Action photos preview

Warm up: This image is award winning because the photo is filled with action, but also captures the person getting water poured on him right before he realized what was happening, contrasting his plain face with the action of the water. The shutter speed is probably high. The photo was definitely planned, since it happens at most games, but the photo wasn't posed. The advanced techniques present are action and perspective, and rule of thirds.

Outside Prompt Shoot - Terrors of Growing Up

yeah don't submit this

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review


1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?

YOUNG, by Bella Lufschanowksi

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover

I really really loved the title of the magazine, from the colors, font, and the embellishments. I also really loved the color scheme in general and the photo was really interesting.

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover.

One thing I would say to improve is to make it look more like a magazine cover, and add more headlines. The way that you gave a couple words about an article and a name under it looked more like an album cover, which I still really like, but it doesn't look as much as a magazine as it does an album.

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.

The photo, title, and minimalist nature of the cover is what attracted my eyes.

5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?

Everything is the right size and in the right place :)

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?

Probably, because the cover is super pretty to me, but it also doesn't tell me a lot of what's in it.

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?

It's a self portrait.a

Prompt Shoot Peer Review


1. Which photo do you like best? Why?

My favorite photo was the photo of the berries, because I thought that the color contrast between the berries and leaves was really interesting and I also liked how the picture filled the whole frame.

2. Which is your least favorite image? Why?

My least favorite image is the footprint picture, because it was hard to see what the picture was without the description. 

3. Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.

I really liked the ideas for all of the pictures; I thought they were all unique, especially the berries and the exit signs one. The lighting was also interesting and well shot in all of them.

4. Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.

Timmy could work on incorporating photo rules into his pictures.

5. Which prompt do you think they did the best portraying, from your perspective?

The one he best portrayed was the exit sign one, because I thought he portrayed 'the end' in a unique way.

6. Which prompt do you think they did the least successfully portray, from your perspective?

Even though I really liked the photo, I thought putting the likely inedible berries as 'yummy' was a little bit of a stretch, and not successfully portrayed.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

3 Best Photos of 2015

I liked this picture because at the time this photo was taken, I was in the crowd also watching the fireworks in London. On top of that, I thought it was interesting how this was one of the first pictures taken in 2015.

I liked this picture not only because of the event that caused it, but also because of the colors and elements in it. Most of the photo is compromised of reds and blues- symbolizing the French flag- and the black and white posters split the photo almost in half, making the picture interesting.

I liked this picture because of the story behind the picture. The child's family was trying to find refuge from the country, but sadly failed, and this photo shows that families', and many other refugee families', story.