Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. In photojournalism, it is very important for a photographer to accurately and truthfully convey a story through their pictures, and failing to do so can result in career consequences. The photographers mentioned in the story manipulated the images either to make the photo seem more dramatic or they made a noticeable mistake and did not fix it.

B. I think that this type of editing is unethical, because in most cases in the stories not only did it portray a false event, but most of the time it was unnecessary. Most of the photos probably would have been fine without manipulation, so the photographers lost their jobs for no reason.

In my opinion this image was the most unethical, because it portrayed an event that never happened. The newspaper lied to it's readers by reporting about this false event.

This image was the least unethical, because the photographers just wanted to show the second pyramid and make the picture more interesting. They had good intentions behind the manipulation, and didn't provide any false information.

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