Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier - Photos Make the Story

A. The most powerful image from the slideshow was the image of Ian getting his hair buzzed as preparation to join the army. In my opinion, his hair cut was like a turning point in Ian's life, the transition between his old life and his new life as a soldier.

Set 1 - at home  - Image 1 to Image 4
Set 2 - basic training - Image 5 to Image 13
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image 14 to Image 27
In Image 28 he is back at home in Denver

C. The set of images that is the most powerful is the first set because it really shows the mood of tension, waiting, and sadness that everyone feels before Ian leaves to go to war.

D. The images work together to show the events and emotions in Ian's life by mostly showing people's faces and actions.

E. The verbs are written in the present tense.

F. The captions enhance the photographs by giving background information to what is happening in each picture and immersing the reader in Ian's story.

G. After high school, Ian Fisher knew that as a young, patriotic man, joining the army would be a great choice for him. He survived the psychological effects of boot camp and learned many life lessons, but nothing could have prepared him for his harsh time serving in Iraq. Ian suffered many injuries and became addicted to pain medication, and would often get in trouble with those in higher rank than him. After serving many months, Ian was finally able to come back home to Colorado, and got married to his girlfriend.

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